Humber LEP

Supporting Business to secure a skilled future workforce.
JFA’s educational ethos shines through.

Services: Evaluation + Project Management: Employability Skills Passport Validation Framework

The Challenge:

The Humber LEP, as part of their Humber Strategic Economic Plan, had identified the need to upskill in particular young people with regards to their employability skills. Such skill development within education and skills organisations was limited, and where it did take place, was extremely variable with regard to depth of skill development as well as quality. There was therefore a need to develop a quality assured approach to the assessment and accreditation of employability skills.

Our approach:

This project – which was part of the Humber ESF and SFA funded ‘Skills Support for the Workforce’ programme, included an evaluation of current practice of the delivery of Employability Skills Passports across the Humber, followed by the development of an Employability Skills Passport Validation Framework for the Humber LEP.

Over the 7-month period, JFA delivered:

  • Strategic leadership and management of the project across the Humber Management of Humber-wide consultation events and meetings
  • Development of partnerships across business and education networks
  • Active engagement of 50+ employers & education organisations in the project
  • Delivery of support to partner organisations
  • Evaluation of current Employability Skills Passports across the Humber
  • Development of the Employability Skills Passport Validation Framework
  • Development of a suite of resources to support the variety of stakeholders
  • Delivery of monitoring reports to the LEP Employment and Skills Board
  • Writing of an Implementation Plan and 3-year Communication Strategy
  • Branding of the associated Framework products
  • Evaluation of the Project

The Results:

The Humber Employability Passport Framework is now used by the LEP to validate local providers. The first learning and skills provider was kite-marked in 2016 and we now have another 21 schools, colleges, and independent providers using the framework with a view to validating their passport by May 2018. The framework has had a catalytic role in the Humber in terms of raising awareness of the CBI 7 employability skills and the importance of young people and adults being adequately prepared for the world of work.

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Jane Fisher Associates Ltd
Studio 2, Allendale Forge Studios
Market Place
Allendale Town
Nr Hexham
NE47 9BD